Friday, February 16, 2018

Protecting Me, Helping Me Make Photos

While photographing a line up of people waiting for the garbage truck tonight a teenage boy turned away from me not wanting to be photographed. The young girl next to him (a friend)  looked at me smiled then turned to the young man and said something. Not sure what she said but I think she was defending me, defending the photo making. After her talk he acted a bit differently.

I had told my defender that the photos help tell their story which then leads to folks back in Canada and the USA donating money that I use to buy the boots, headlamps etc. Next trip if there is a next trip I will get a print out written in Burmese  that explains everything, so that I can hand the note out to the folks that I am having trouble getting access to photograph. If they still refuse then that's up to them I will find other subjects, if not, if they join in the the cause, join the fight, all the better. It will help lead to a small positive changes in their lives.