Tuesday, February 13, 2018

FACEBOOK: Coughing Baby Message To Friends

Gerry Yaum Tough night in the dump, new family 7 people, children, baby, they have nothing. Will write about it and most pics soon. While photographing in the dark I heard a coughing baby from the family. Will have the memory of the coughing 2 year old in the alone for a long time.. the mom dad were working the garbage, 2 younger children left to take care of the baby were sleeping...the baby boy stared out at me through the dark, coughing... .just got back from the dump...overpowered by it all. Now in my comfy a/c room,..had a hot shower listening to tunes, will eat some fresh chicken...meanwhile at this exact moment the family, the children are sleeping on the garbage, in the dump 20 minutes away....right now the baby is coughing in the dark.