Thursday, February 15, 2018

Drunk People

There is a group of 7-8 drinkers in the dump that have started to ask me for money. The money they want is usually small amounts but I will try to avoid them in the future. Sometimes they ask for rice, boots or headlamps which is no problem but money for booze is not something I really want to contribute to. It is hard for them to escape from the difficult reality they face using alcohol, it is almost understandable.. Still alcoholism damages on so many levels, in so many ways. I do not want to contribute to it if I can avoid it.

Had an incident tonight where 2 drinkers asked for money, one drunk lady got on my motorbike for a ride to th nearby water well. She sat behind me and latched on with both arms around me, another man set behind her. When we got to the well she did not want to get off the bike. She wanted me to take her somewhere else, not sure where’re that was. With some yelling in Burmese the man a friend not her sick husband) was able to get her off the bike and I was able to drive home alone. Drunk people are so difficult to deal with sometimes.will park else where in the coming night and try to avoid them as best I can.

I should emphasize most probably 90-95% of the family members I have never seen drunk or drinking. The other 5%-10% are wasted fairly often. Sometimes I see the drinkers with hang overs working the garbage with difficulty.