Thursday, June 29, 2017


Found this today, over 1 year old. It is kind of nice to know your being followed and the work has some effect on folks. Not sure about the idol stuff thou (if the translation is correct). Thatort of thing makes me uncomfortable, the subject, the subject and only the subject should matter. Their lives and stories is all that is important, Yaum is just a made up name for a security guard living in Canada, he is just a messenger.

Här om dagen upptäckte jag att min idol Gerry Yaum har återkommit till, för att tacka för några objektivplattor han (tydligen) fick där för några år sedan.

För att visa tacksamhet har han laddat upp ett par bilder - rätt många bilder, faktiskt. 88 stycken i skrivande stund.

För den som är betalande medlem på så rekommenderar jag (varmt) ett besök i hans galleri. Galleriet hittar du här.

Translation from Swedish:

This day, I discovered that my idol Gerry Yaum has returned to, to thank for some lens plates he (apparently) got there a few years ago.

To show gratitude he has uploaded a couple of pictures - quite a lot of pictures, actually. 88 pieces at the time of writing.

For the paying member on, I recommend (warmly) a visit to his gallery. You can find the gallery here.