Monday, April 17, 2017

Bought Me A "Vintage Brass Scientific Lens Co, NY 11 X 14 Extreme Wide Angle Anastigmat Lens"

I got this lens relatively cheaply $202 USD plus shipping. I hope to use it on the "Oh Canada" wet plate project. I will try using it with the 5x7, 8x10 and 11x14 cameras. These historic brass lens can communicate unique and exciting messages. A bit of a chancy buy type thing as your not 100% sure what your getting. I thought this lens was worth the risk, maybe it will become and important part of the creative tool box. Might even be able to use it to do some weird ass portraits. No shutter as expected, the glass pretty good for its age - provides a unique feel, and the f-stops smooth and adjustable (f16-256).

Vintage Brass Secientifc Lens Co. 11x14 extreme wide angle