Saturday, July 30, 2016

Quote: Bruce Lee

 When asked if he thought of himself as Chinese or American.

"Neither, I think of myself as a human being."

Bruce was so ahead of his time and our time. He is of course right, we are all human beings first. One of the great faults of countries (nationalism) and religions (your god is right) is that it can separate us in so many terrible ways, it often leads to so much hatred and killing. If we can see the other person as simply a "Human Being" just like us, and not as a dreaded-feared-hated OTHER type, then compassion, understanding, equality and fairness come into play.

Well said Bruce. Lets all look at ourselves as HUMAN BEINGS first and not as Canadians, Americans, Chinese, Christians, Muslims.

Update* Maybe I can use that as a title of a book for my photography lifetime retrospective (if anyone cares for such a book). It could simply be called "Human Beings"