Monday, July 25, 2016

Getting To That Next Level? And The Bad Side To Photo Clubs!

How do you get to that elusive next level in your work. It is something that is difficult for me to understand. How do you do that exactly? Two of the things I learned in a couple of photo clubs I used to belong to (left both, guess I out grew them) was that you can only reach a certain level unless there is a greater level of commitment. One of the major problems I had with my former club members was that they did not have the level of commitment required which created conflict (at least from me) and two they did not take criticism of their work well. If your not committed, and if your afraid of honest opinion your photography will never rise up, never get beyond the trite and average stuff.

Lets look at those two points in greater detail.

How can you get to another level, a higher level unless you devote your life to photography? If your distracted by every minor deal, if you think of photography as not having power (photo club member I know felt that, said that) or as a simple side effect (photo club member I know felt that, said that). To get to a higher level you have to have a complete commitment. The thing is most camera club folk, especially older ones who are set in their ways think of their photo group as simply a hobby to help pass the time (till they die). I guess that's fine, but for me that is a game breaker, why stay with folks who do not give a shit, who are lazy, who do not take photography seriously. No need to be there!

The second point, the inability to accept criticism is interesting. One club I used to belong to encouraged judges and its members to critique each others work. The problem was that if you were actually honest, people would tend to FREAK OUT! When I first joined that group I was too honest which sparked outrage, so I toned it down, toned it down to the point where I would never say anything negative and only comment on the good. I had been beaten down by club member peer pressure, forced to conform. My conformity damaged the club, as did the conformity of the other members. We all poisoned each other with our ugly sameness. I did thou manage to keep my independence of thought on this blog. The thing is members from the group were following my blog and when I wrote about my true feelings, they FREAKED OUT!! again. They simply could not accept real honest opinion or debate. I had committed a thought crime.  I always found it sort of odd that a group of people would ask for honest, helpful, building type criticism but then when it was given they did not have the grace and courage to accept it. No one is hurt by opinion, in fact just the opposite, opinion is extremely important to your growth as an individual and an artist.

I think to get to the next level in my work I have to follow these two guidelines. One, to have complete commitment to my work. Two, to allow and listen to all criticism with an open mind but to ultimately follow my heart regardless. I am the supposed artist, what I think is right, is right, for my art. Nuff said on that!

Update* Been thinking of what makes clubs great, I think it is strong opinions and diversity (in work and people types). If your club is the opposite, if everybody does things exactly or almost exactly the same way, if everyone is a YES person, your in a lousy useless club. If as a member your afraid to be honest, and if your not viewing a great diversity of work, what are you achieving by meeting? Its just a mutual admiration society promoting useless sludge.
Update** On a side note who really gives a fuck what others have to say about your work anyway, it's just an opinion, no biggy, certainly no reason to FREAK OUT. As a creative person as an artist you should listen, accept, don't get angry and filter everything through your process. Think of it as part of your learning curve. Maybe 1% of that opinion will eventually find its way into your photography or maybe none of the opinion will but you will go oppostite and write a scathing blog about laziness and intolerance and that will help you! : ))
Update*** Am continuing to think on this after the writing of the blog. I guess what it comes down to is that if I want to get to the next level with my work I need to.
1) Work hard (Harder than now).
2) Follow my heart (Believe that my heart will take me in the right direction).

Note* This is why I started this blog, to get me thinking, to push myself, to not stagnate, and to continue to grow as an artist. This blog entry has helped that growth I believe, the juices are flowing! Nuff nuff said on that!!