Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Documentary, What I Worry About Most

As I begin to prepare to make my documentary film on Fred S and the life of those in the dump I have a worry. I am not so fearful about the process, about learning the techniques and skills to make the film etc. All of that is daunting and a bit intimidating but hard work usually overcomes those type of things. If anything is true about my art it is that I am not afraid to work hard to try and achieve my goals. So I am not to worried about all of that.

What I am worried about thou is that I will not be able to photograph when I am making a film! I will have a video camera in my hand and sound equipment on my body, wearing headphones and doing interviews.  I will be recording video and audio every day that I work. How can I do all that and still make my beloved still photographs? Because of this video documentary project I will lose the ability to make pictures. That worries me and makes me sad, more lost opportunities, more lost forever important moments in time.