Monday, January 11, 2016

Link: Gerry Yaum Goes Swedish!

Found this link when doing a Gerry Yaum search today, it dates back to December 6, 2015. Good to see the vids I am putting online are helping folks and promoting analog photography. I need to do a better jobs with these darkroom vids, spend more time, do longer versions with a more professional look.

Here is the link and comments from Mr. Oscar Carlsson's site.

The site is in Swedish here is the Swedish text and the google translate from the link:

Jag har svårt att förstå varför inte fler har upptäckt denna fotograf. Hans blogg är förvisso bitvis svår att hänga med i, men mängden arbete, hans blotta kunskap och hans printar...alltså hans printar Det var först efter att ha kollat på en (hel) del av hans videoarkiv jag verkligen började lära mig att använda masker när jag kopierar. Jag är inte på långa vägar i klass med honom, men en liten bit i taget...

I have trouble understanding why do not more people have discovered this photographer. His blog is certainly at times difficult to keep up with, but the amount of work, his mere knowledge and his prints ... then his prints! It was only after checking at the (whole) portion of his video archives, I really started to learn and use masks when I copy. I'm not nearly on par with him, but a little at a time ..

Update* Wish more people had discovered this Yaum dudes photos as well, then the stories of his subjects would be seen and told!