Saturday, January 30, 2016

Alphabet Soup Submissions

Making up a bunch of digital (no paper) submissions tonight. I plan on submitting this work to the alphabet soup level B art galleries in Alberta (they are one step below the biggest major Canadian galleries). I have been rejected multiple times by these these various places but I will keep plugging away and hopefully get in this time.

This group of submissions will all be mail ins. In the past I used to do up paper packages but the artist submission trend is definitely moving away from paper trail stuff to more environmentally favourable ways to submit work. I will put everything on a single CD- DVD and submit that, there will be no booklet or paper. This will be a more Eco friendly way to do things, and will be cheaper to make and mail. If the work is strong enough, and the gallery interested a CD-DVD should be enough, no bells and whistles necessary! Many places now ask for no paper, or to send in your work via e-mail. This CD-DVD version of submission is sort of a middle ground way of doing things. I like it!

I plan on also including extensive material in a "Additional Information" folder on each disk. This folder will contain 100 or so additional photographs from 2013 and 2015 as well as many videos from the dump and past exhibitions of the work. I hope that the inclusion of this material will show a level of commitment on my part as well as give a greater background for the jurors into life at the dump. The jury might not look at this additional material but if they do, its there for them to digest.

The galleries/museums I will be submitting to include:

SAAG, Southern Alberta Art Gallery (Lethbridge Alberta)

AGGP, Art Gallery of Grand Prairie

SAGA, Saint Albert Gallery of Art (part paper submission, they require print outs of images).

MAG, Red Deer Museum + Art Gallery

KIAC ODD Gallery, The Klondike Institute of Art and Culture

I will also submit to Strathcona County Art Gallery@501 in Sherword Park Alberta (doubt my chances here).

Will try for one larger city type A art gallery, WAG, Winnipeg Art Gallery.

I will resubmit to all these the alphabet soup galleries after I return and process the film from my April Thai trip.