Monday, November 23, 2015

Dad Dream "I Lay Down Looked Up But Could Not see."

After I went to pray for my father at the Buddhist temple my sad dreams about him stopped and were replaced by happy dreams. Today the sad dreams returned. I just woke up, here is what I remember.

In the dream I visited dad and moms house. When I arrived I was surprised to see dad there looking normal. He was in good shape. He was young and healthy, strong and normal. He started talking to me about something normal, jumped up and sat on the kitchen counter then got down and continued to talk to me as he walked. He looked happy and was dressed in blue. I ran up to him and hugged him very hard and told him how much I missed him, I told him that over and over again. He said " I lay down looked up but could not see" Then as I continued to hug him and tell him how I thought of him every day and cried with joy at seeing him again he spoke sadly and said "A thousand summers ago you sat on my lap."

Then I woke up.
These dreams are tough, when will they end.