Sunday, November 15, 2015

Covered In Blood?

Today I went out to the dump  for the first time. I handed out 2 food care packages (4 hats) and also gave out one of the children hats. 

At one point as I was walking in a big pile of garbage a red liquid of some kind exploded up both
boots and both pant legs. I am not sure if it was some red juice of some kind or blood. It had a bad smell to it so it might have been blood. Basically most everything from about ten inches above my knees downward was covered in this red gooey liquid.

I did not see when it happened. In the dump your working around many people, flies, rats and cockroaches. Your surrounded by countless dogs, some fighting with each other and barking at you (diseased?). Today I was also photographing with a large back hoe mere feet away, a huge machine. There were many people digging in the garbage stirred up by the hoe. At one point one of the male workers almost got hit in the head by the giant scooping shovel (not sure what they are called). So because your surrounded by all these distractions while also making photos it is easy to become distracted and step on the wrong thing.

After red liquid thing happened I was not sure what to do. I decided to be wet with water was better than being wet with what might be human or animal blood, so I went down the dirty hill off the road and got water from a small well to wash myself. I did the best I could but ended up flooding the inside of my boots with water. I walked around for the next 2 1/2-3 hours with squishy boots and wet socks. This was not the most comfortable option but better than wearing the red  staining mystery stuff all day.

I am going out tomorrow at 6 am again but now my 1 pair of socks are completly soaked. I washed everything down including myself when I returned from the dump but it will take several days to dry properly. I will go out to see if I buy some new socks and maybe a hair dryer for inside the boots. I need to dry everything out as best I can.

Note* The liquid had the potential to be human blood as I often see hospital waste in the garbage, used needles etc.