Wednesday, October 21, 2015

$200 Cash Donation

Rather an amazing thing happened today. One of the engineers I work with and know quite well was so impressed with the dump email story and photos I sent out that she took them to her children to see. The children and her family donated a bunch of child hats and also some money. Initially when I opened the envelope with the money I was quite happy and surprised to see a $50 bill. Geez I thought $50!!! I can donate something to the dump school. There was a note with the money so I took out the note to read and realized it is not just 1 $50 bill but instead it is 4-$50 bills! An amazing $200!

The note asked me to do 2 things, buy food for the people in the dump and later on to come to her house for a meal with her family and tell stories about the "Families" and what happened . So that is what I will do, I will use the money to buy food for the families and then when I return to Canada I will visit my co-worker and her family and share some stories, photos and videos of my time at the Mae Sot dump.

Sort of amazing to get a $200 cash donation when your only asking for baseball caps. Such is the power of the best kind of photography, social documentary photography! Because of the generosity of my co-workers the people who live and work in the Mae Sot dump will be helped in a small way.

Update* I wonder what $200 of rice, canned fish and other foods look like? Now I get to find out! Later when I buy everything I will post a picture of what I buy before I take it out to the dump, stay tuned : )).