Sunday, August 30, 2015

Image Circles

Just checking the image circles for my 4 lens, all should cover 11x14. I will probably sell one of the 360s as owning 2 is not necessary, a bit of overkill. Not sure what working apertures I can use with these lens, I might have to stop down some to get full coverage of the super large 11x14 film.

Nikkor-W 360mm F5.6 - 415mm f5.6 and 494mm f22 (will cover 11x14 with movements)
Schneider 360mm F5.6 - 500mm f? (will cover 11x14 movements)
Nikkor-W 300mm F5.6 - 420mm f? (slight movements possible?)
Fujinon-W 250mm F6.7 - 398mm f? (will cover 11x14 with NO movements)

Note* I also own the Kodak Ektar 305mm F6.3 but its circle is just a bit too small at 380mm and the Nikkor M F9 which has a way to small image circle of 320mm.