Saturday, July 25, 2015

Photo Story: Dad Close Up

Hasselblad 80mm with 2 extension rings in available light, summer 2014
Everyday I think of my father, most nights I dream of him. With the coming exhibitions of dad coming up in Rosebud Exhibition (around 12 photos) and the Alberta Open Image 2015 (1 photo) I thought I would revisit some photographs I made of him last year before he passed.

This first image was made on one the last days he went outside in the sunlight. It was shot on the balcony outside his home. The camera was a blad, 80mm and 2 extension tubes. I had to be very close to dad to get the shallow focus I did get. I was mere inches away from him. This type of photography is a bit intrusive but dad put up with it. The shot is pretty much different than anything I have ever done before of a person. I like the shallow depth of field, it was like that tiny bit of focus was what life he had left. Made on my favourite film Tri-x.

I tried to get dad outside more times after that but he was not really into doing it. He went to dinner a few more times with mom, my uncle and aunt but this photo was one of the last I did of dad outside his home (until the funeral pictures).