Monday, July 27, 2015

A Swimming Goal

After last nights long delayed return to the swimming pool I have decided to set myself a long term goal. I want to do 1 km (50 meter pool length times 20) front crawl only swim.

For this swim I will be doing a new type of front crawl, one I have never done before, I will be breathing from both sides on every fourth stroke. I have watched people do this 4th stroke both side breathing front crawl for years but never did learn it myself. Another thing I want to include in my kilometre swim will be swimming rolls (not sure what they are called) at each end of the pool, so there would be no stopping.

I will have to go to YouTube and practise lots to get these new swimming techniques down. I swam 1 km quite often when I was young, even did 1 mile when I was a lad of 13 or so. With all those longer swims I would do a mixture of breast stroke and front crawl. This time round I want to do for the first time in my life ALL front crawl (which is MUCH more tiring) along with the four stroke style of breathing and the swimming rolls. This should be fun and quite a challenge, I will be entering new territory. It will probably take several years to accomplish, but I will start slowly be working towards this goal.

I also am trying to recover my ability to swim 25 meters under water which I could do before, but not yesterday. I need to be-careful as I am older and am carrying more weight than before, but slow and steady should win this race.

I love swimming! This is going to be fun!! And the best thing is it will help my photography, being in better shape will lead to better photographs.