Friday, April 3, 2015

Classy, Nice Email From Photo Life

I wrote back a short snippy reply to my rejection letter and received this nice polite email in return. My bad, I should have have been more professional in my response. Photo Life showed real class by taking the time for the second email. We just have a different opinion on what photography should communicate. I have the same problem with many folks!!: ))

Here is their nice email:

Hi Gerry,

My bad, I forgot to remove the part about giving priority to Canadian photographers. I understand your frustration, and I'm sorry if this offended you. Before sending you this email however I visited your website and checked out your blog, I had your 4 envelopes in front of me with Edmonton written on it, so this was not a matter of not knowing you are indeed Canadian, it's just an email sent too quickly on a Friday morning after a rough week.

Canadian or not, all photographers are welcome to submit their work to Photo Life. It simply affects our decisions when we need to chose similar work from various photographers. We do give priority to Canadian photographers, and I point that out so we're a bit more transparent in regards to the selection process.

Kind regards,

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