Saturday, May 10, 2014

Quote: Anonymous Comment

Today Michael Sam the first openly gay football player was drafted into the NFL. This comment was left on the NY Times website.

"Long ago I stopped watching professional football. Teams seemed unwilling to stand up against misogyny and violence. Character no longer seemed to matter in the construction of the athlete. Today's decision challenges my preconception. I see an act of integrity and courage in drafting Sam. Sam's courage to stand alone demonstrates his ability to lead a team. His team's willingness to stand with him speaks to the character of his college team (and now his new team,) and to the fact that they, too, must respect his character. I'm tempted to watch the game again.

Strength is not just in the physicality of the game, but also in the courage and integrity of the individual playing the game. Today's decision invites me to again connect with the sport. While there have always been individuals and teams with strength of character, lately that integrity has been lost in the seeming willingness to accept violence and racism. While those issues have not been resolved, I do see a step in today's actions-- a step to no longer allowing bigotry to shape the future of the sport.

Good luck to Sam. And, I am ready to learn more about the Rams"