Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Eventual Limited Editions?

My rather long winded life plan is to shoot photos till I am 70 and then print for the last 10 years of my life (assuming I live that long). I was just thinking thou, how and what do I print? Random images? hopscotch between the decades and choose a bit of this and a bit of that? Different papers, different print sizes? No order to it at all?

Why not do a limited edition print of all my favourite images from a lifetime of shooting. Maybe do like 1, 2 or 3 or even 5 prints of each favourite. It would be great if I could put some order to those last 10 years of darkroom work. 5 of each favourite mint be to many, maybe 2 of each.

I wonder how many favourite images there might be? 500? 1000? more? less? Maybe all printed on 6he same size photo paper, 2 prints of each favourite. I could print them to the highest standards I can muster and store them archivaly. Who knows later on I might even be able to donate those negs and prints to some organization. It would be great to know on my death bed that some of the work, some of those stories, some of those lives survived mine. To know a photo of dad survived past my lifetime would be very rewarding.

This is all probably only a dream, heck I can barely get a show these days, cannot sell prints, continual grant rejects etc, no one really seems to give a sh-t about the work but heck it's important to keep your dreams. Dreams are the things Life is made of.

In Act IV of The Tempest, Prospero says "We are such stuff / As dreams are made on.

William Shakespeare