Saturday, March 29, 2014

Working On PhotoNOLA 2013 "Body Sellers" Show Video

Now that I have this new Final Cut Pro X software to work with I have been inspired to finally make up my PhotoNOLA show video. I have only a tiny bit of footage from my show so I will include it in a longer video of other shows I visited along with some PhotoNOLA 2013 opening night footage and various still images. It should be a fairly short video (1 song) but hopefully I can use it as a bit of a promotional tool, it might even help PhotoNOLAs of the future a tiny bit. I will post it on this blog, Vimeo and on YouTube. I am getting a bit faster with the software so things are flowing a bit better this time around. In the future if I am staying in Asia for extended periods I can use my laptop to edit and upload video direct from my rented room. Its pretty amazing what modern tech can accomplish these days.