Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Print: Pissing Boy "Street Kid" Series Katmandu Nepal 2013

Here is  a shot on one of street kids in Katmandu, he was laughing, high (glue?) he called me over to take a photo of him pissing on a public street. It happened very fast, I am surprised I got the shot.

Here is the print, after 7 attempts this is the best (crappy) print I could make, burn/dodge lines problems the face and  background are very difficult to get right tonally. I kept at this neg/print for over 1 day, time to move on to another. On the plus side I did learn a few printing things that might help me down the line, it is all part of the process of becoming a very good printer.

A failure but this is not over negative! I will be back to conquer you later!!

Pissing "Street Kids" series, failed print attempt