Monday, December 2, 2013

First Photo From The Trip, Khune Anapon Cooking

Khune Anaphon (Mr. Anaphon) was amongst the first group of people I shot this trip, strangely enough this negative was amongst the first films I developed and the first I scanned. I shot him in a variety of ways, he almost never seemed to leave his little scrap wood cubicle home and the location was very dark. At various times I tried shooting him with Tri-x rated at 200 a 35mm lens at 1.4 and a very slow shutter maybe 1/15th of a second. I also shot him with bounced, and direct flash and some at Tri-x exposed at 800 ASA (guess I should decide on one technique and stick to it, not hop about so much!).

The bounced flash was used for this photograph. In the pic he is cooking rice from the doorway of his little closet home. I think he bought the rice with the money I gave him.

Khune Anapon cooking dinner, Bangkok Thailand 2013
Here is a link to a Khune Anapon story at about the time this photo was made:

Note* There is a slight crop to the picture, a tiny bit off the bottom and right side, to help sharpen the composition a bit.