Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Workers Smoking Some Kind Of Narcotic

*Updated in New Orleons

When I was photographing in the brick making area of Nepal outside of Kathmandu I was given access to a bit of the private lives of the workers. I was photographing in an outside area when a group of 5 or so young male ( Bangladeshi? ) workers asked me into the small compound of their living space. In this little bricked in area a small fire was going, everyone was hovering around it for warmth. As they placed their hands over the fire and I was photographing one young man brought out a pipe with some kind of substance in it. He.lit the pipe in the fire and then several workers took very long deep drags off it. They must have been smoking some kind of narcotic because when the big boss man showed up he immediately said to me  "No photos please!" and  waved me off with his hand. the strange thing was the workers asked me and were happy when I photographed them smoking. They probably used the drug to get through their long physically demanding day.

Note* The big boss man is always the guy with the nicest clothes and the most gold. Watch out for him he wants to keep his source of money flowing.