Sunday, November 24, 2013

An Amazing Man - Documentary Film?

Today I met a truly amazing person, his name is Raj Kumar Shah and he is a survivor of leprosy as well as an educator and  a man who seeks to enlighten others on the disease and promote handicapped rights in Nepal and the world. I spent a few hours with Raj today visiting his small clinic and learning about his complicated life of suffering, recovery and fight for the rights of others. In a word Raj Kumar Shaw is a "fighter", he knows he will die soon and he wants to go down making a difference, contributing the remainder of his life to help others, then he hopes his beautiful wife and son will continue the work.

Raj is a survivor of Leprosy and was cured back in 1984, he has lost most of fingers on both hands as a result. He is also a double amputee, losing both legs, one to arthritis and one to an accident. Raj also had 2  partially functioning kidneys (one is basically dead) so goes for dialysis several times a week. With all of the damage nature has done to his 36 year old body he might not reach 40 years of age.

What I found amazing about this man was his spirit, his laughter, his joy for life. Raj has faced all kinds of hardships but thanks god for the goodness and the blessings in his life. My first impression was very positive, this is a man deserving of having his story told. Raj is eager to find someone that will do a documentary on his life, and has asked me to do so. I have always wanted to make a documentary movie (with photo stills included), this might be my chance. Was it fate that led me here? Maybe we have a shared destiny.