Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Importance Of Sharing

In years past I have dealt with many photographers that are afraid to share how they do things or are afraid to share the galleries they submit to (worried about competition?). I always found that behaviour a bit insecure and counter productive. Recently I had a talk with an acquaintance about karma and how helping others inevidently leads to good fortune for yourself, what goes around comes around. Not only is helping others the right thing to do but by going that route karma comes back at you and helps your game. My show in PhotoNOLA is a result of that, I answered an email and tried to help a fellow I did not know online and now he is helping me times 5 with my coming PhotoNOLA show.

In the spirit of sharing anyone out there that has any questions about anything I write on the blog or if you want to just chat send me an email, I always answer my mail.

I would also like to share a couple of higher level galleries in Alberta with everyone, just in case you have not heard of them. The 2 galleries are CASA in Lethbridge and the AGGP in Grand Prairie. Both of these galleries are mid level art facilities in the province. Lets all try to share and help each other along the difficult creation and art show landscape.

I plan on making a submission to CASA and another Lethbridge gallery the SAAG (Southern Alberta Art Gallery) next week. I have already submitted work to the AGGP. The hope with these smaller beautiful facilities is that they will allow me to show the work and tell the stories of the people I photograph to a larger audience as well as provide a stepping stone to the largest galleries and museums in Canada. These submissions do not fall into the spam/advertising category, they will be made with the hope and the real possibility of getting shows.
I will also try making a grant submission to the EAC the Edmonton Arts Council. I live in a city that believes in supporting the arts to benefit their community (an idea I strongly support), I need to try to take advantage of that availability and get some funding for my Thai work.