Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Gerry Yaum: Photo Stories

Been thinking for a while I would like to do a series of videos on various photographs. The idea would be to have 3-5 photos per  5-6 minute video and tell stories about the people in the photo, the back story, making of the image etc. This idea was inspired by a similar videos Daniel Milnor is doing on Vimeo.com (he does 1 image for video I would do more). Thanks for your help with this Dan and thanks for coming up with this idea first.

Here is a link to one of his vids that got me thinking of doing this:


I also opened up a Vimeo account and will post these vids on both my YouTube and Vimeo channels. It should be fun to do this, hopefully it will help me learn to express myself better in regards to my work (to become more verbal), it might also inspire some folks out there. Another bonus to making these things is that it should raise awareness, open some doors, allow the work to be seen by a wider audience.

Here is my Vimeo channel:
