Saturday, February 2, 2013

Working Out Towards Making New Photographs

I have so many plans for what I want to do with my photography, what I want to photograph, how I am going to do it etc etc. One thing I often forget is that I need to be physically able to do it. I need to take better care of myself and get better physically fit for the challenges to come. I am 48 years old, 6 foot 2 and a whopping 246 pounds. I need to bring down that 246 number to at least the 220 area. If I continue gaining wait like I have been I will be a big ball of fat when I am in my 60s, it will be impossible to carry an 8x10 camera in Asia unless I drop weight and work on my physical conditioning. It will be impossible to chase down the photographs I need to make if I continue to be so un fit.

I need to eat better and to work out more, slow but sure I need to proceed forward. Its like learning a new language, do a bit everyday, and little by little you achieve your goal.

Today's routine was 90 sit-ups, 90 push ups, 30 minutes of stretching and I controlled my eating. Tomorrow is another day, need to keep my discipline, its for making pictures after all!