Saturday, March 17, 2012

Very Sick

Boy just went through (hopefully its over) a long bout of sickness. I have not vomited for 12 years or so (think it was 2000), that record is now smashed. Two days ago after eating in a nice semi expensive restaurant I had used before I came back to my room feeling bad, the feeling got worse over the next 2 or 3 hours then in the middle of the night I woke up ran to the washroom and vomited everything up. Boy its fun to see your food for the second time, its not quite as good looking on the rebound. Not to get into to much detail here but I had 4 regurgitation's that came out in Lucas vision super sterero surround sound.

The next day I had a van booked to come to Vieng Vang Laos (on my way to Vientiane) so I was sort of forced to take it even thou I was feeling very poorly. This ride turned out to be the ride form hell, up and down mountains with very curvy roads. I am not that good on curvy mountain roads but always manage to not get sick, not this time! I ended up going through 8 rounds of vomiting, the last 5 had basically nothing come out as I had emptied the old stomach, just dry loud empty heaves.

I think I horrified the Laotian bus driver who was sort of a grumpy guy to start with, he was trying to pick up one of the female Laos passengers (got her phone number) I am sure my ralphing noises did not help the seduction process, maybe that is why he was making such sour faces at me (even later when I apologized to him). The farang backpacker passengers were much kinder (from Spain) they told me no problem when I apologized to them and even inquired about how I felt many times, one girl behind me said she was "I feel so sorry for you!".

It was a nasty experience but I kept thinking about Purb (Laotian farmer I met recently) and what would happen to him with a similar sickness. I had access to good medication, to clean showers, toilets, I do not have to work and help support a family of 9. What would he have done in the same situation as I was in? Gone to work? Gone without medicine so he could buy something for his children? I had it relatively easy in comparison.

On to Vientiane, going to take lots of tissue and plastic bags! Ralph!