Thursday, December 15, 2011

Skinny Kitten

As I photographed a dog behind a slum shack in a temple area of Poipet I heard the growl of an angry cat. I looked around no cat! Continued photographing the dog, more growling! Geez that sounds like a cat! Where is it? No cat! More dog photos and more growling??? What the hell? What's the deal? Finally I spotted just below the dog on the muddy ground surrounded by garbage, broken boards etc. a tiny tiny skinny skinny black kitten! This kitten was so small, so thin so ragged looking it seemed to almost not exist. It was like a 1/2 kitten or a 1/4 kitten, somehow it did not seem real. I tried to photograph it but it was so small, and looked so fragile that it was hard to shoot. I watched this little kitten for 5 minutes it kind of wobbled and stumbled about looking for food and water, at the same time it continued growling at the dog which was maybe 100 times its size! Cats have attitudes no matter how small they are! He might have been a weak tiny scary looking little thing but he was going to kick some ass if that dog came to close.