Sunday, December 4, 2011

Khun Ot

I learned a bit more about Khun Ot's life today. He had a wife who left him because of his drinking, and 2 sons aged 21 and 24 who live in another part of Bangkok. Khun Ot lives in a slum room behind where he usually sits and drinks, every time I have visited that area he has been in the same spot, I thought that spot might be his home! It turns out he lives with his father who is 83 in a room behind the table I see him sitting on every time I visit. Today he was not drunk but was drinking slowly, he complained he had no money, I gave him some money, I hope he uses it on food.

The first time I met him I photographed him from afar, with the 4x5 as he slept drunk. Today after talking to him many times I am starting to learn a tiny bit about his life, about why he is the way he is. Understanding the lives of the people I meet after such short term meetings is pretty well impossible but today I feel I understand this man a tiny bit more than yesterday. When I decide which photographs of him to print, this knowledge will affect which negative I choose and also influence how I print the photograph.