Thursday, December 15, 2011

Pattaya Farang The Zombie Stare

Not sure why but there seem to be more zombie like stares from male farang sex tourists, sex pats this trip to Pattaya than in trips past. I seem be seeing multiple farang staring zombie like into space even if they are sitting at a table with a Thai woman girlfriend-sex worker. For many of the farang here life must be pretty boring, they drink, they eat, the have sex, they drink, they eat, they have sex and maybe once in a while they gossip a bit with other sex tourists-sex pats (often bitching about Thailand and Thai people).

What kind of life is that? Its a pretty repetitive, a pretty boring, a pretty useless way to live. You might be better off being a real zombie! A dead, slobbering, blue skinned, stone faced, foot dragging creature of darkness, at least you might have a chance at a movie or TV deal : )