Monday, November 28, 2011

Glue Sniffers

Right alongside the people with the puppies was a group of 3 young men who sniffed glue from bags. I had been told a few days back that the police often come and arrest them for doing this. There is probably drugs sold in the area is well, that seems more likely to be the reason for the police presence. My first time in the slums I was told by a man that the corrupt Thai police in the area arrest drug users then demand a fine (bribe) be paid depending on the height of the user, the taller the user the higher the bribe. If the bribe is not paid the user goes to prison, maybe that's what's happening here.

The 3 young men who sniffed drug from bags were Chud 16, Geh 17 and Em 22. I made a few photographs of Em with a bag to his nose and he looked at me suspiciously and angrily I went up to him and showed him my photo introduction book and explained my job in Canada etc. and why I was making photographs in Thailand, he relaxed and even smiled at one point (a sweet smile).

The boys are very quick and secretive about their glue sniffing and often turn away or hide under a towel when they do it. I want to document this part of their lives but am unsure I can do it, its also dangerous to make photos of this subject and to hang out in these places with drug users. So far I seem to be making friends in the area, but carrying around $7000-9000 worth of camera gear where people might rob you for $20 can be dangerous, I have been told to trust no one. I am going to play it by ear, go back a number of times continue to treat people politely and with respect, hopefully things will continue to go well. I gave out some small money to the kids there and also bought them some corn.

One of the boys (Chud) bought me a bottle of water. The last time I was there Chud seemed wild and out of control, today he seemed like a nice curious kid (less glue sniffing?). The glue stuff fries their brains eventually, ugly way to become mentally disabled. If I return in 10 years what will have happened to these 3 young men? The lives they live are so ugly there has to be a better way, I want to learn more about how they got to this point, where do they live? Where are their parents?