Friday, August 12, 2011

More Submissions Contemplated

I want to make submissions to 3 museums in Canada, Edmonton (AGA), Winnipeg and Hamilton. Getting my work into a cities museum is a long shot at best but I need to try, I have a new found confidence lately. I was thinking of doing 2 submissions per facility, one of white background sex workers, and one of ring flash Blad color heads of sex workers. Moving up from a gallery to a museum is a huge step,  the subject matter might be to controversial also, but its important to get the work seen, it is important to tell the story of my subjects, so I'm going to try.

After this years 2 trips to Thailand and a trip early next year, I should be able to start submitting my "Peoples Project" photographs.

Heres hoping, no loss in trying, if the reject me that will put a bigger burr under my saddle which will push me harder to create new work, if they accept me then the current work gets shown, sort of a win win.