Monday, July 18, 2011

3 Post Show Developments

Heard about 3 people who visited the show after the opening from Larry. There was a Thai lady photographer who photographs abandoned buildings in Thailand, I wish I could have talked to her. Janice Ryan the arts writer for the Edmonton Journal is planning on writing a story on the show. A wonderful photographer and former photo extension course teacher a friend of Larry's also liked the show. She would like to arrange a session where the 3 photographers come in and answer questions from her current students, it would be sort of a show and tell followed by a question and answer session. Larry is an old hat at this sort of thing but I have never done it before and thought it might be fun. I was thinking of even bringing in my Masterview 8x10 with 300mm Nikon lens (equipment I used for the sex worker shots) to show the adult students. In this digital age that camera and the slower process might be interesting for them to see and play with. Not sure this will happen as I am going to Thailand soon and Larry is also traveling in the coming months but will see how it goes.

According to our calculations we had approximately 120 people at the opening, not bad at all! I was the low number in getting people to the opening night. I had about 8 people who said they would come but did not show up. I also expected a bigger turnout from photo club friends but for whatever reason most of them did not want to come and see a brand new photo gallery in Edmonton (one of the few in all of Canada) and see the photographs of 2 outstanding photographers in Larry Louie and Jonathan Luckhurst. I sometimes wonder about the commitment the club people have to photography but to each his own I guess, we all lead busy lives. I actually had a bigger turn out from a former club that I used to belong to than the current club I do belong to. Five current or former monochrome guild members showed up, thanks fellas.