Friday, February 11, 2011


Contacted a friend who I had not talked to in 10 years plus yesterday. Where was he? The guy was on a fricking sailboat on the Caribbean not to far from Cuba. Now that living life! He bought a sailboat with a friend and sailed down the Eastern USA around Florida and across to Cuba. He will continue on down to the Panama Canal before heading North past Central America, Mexico and the Western States he will arrive back in Canada at Victoria some many many months from now.

Way to go Darwin, enjoy yourself, experience life, it's the best story I have heard of in a long time! So many people I know sort of go through life day by day not really doing much, the time passes by and then your old and feeble and physically unable to do the things you might want to do. Darwin is seizing life as a young man and living it to the fullest. Have safe travels my friend and no hand gliding!