Saturday, December 4, 2010

Photo Album

I photographed an old man of 74 today, we talked about his family and his life as I made a few photographs. His room was very small but was newer and had a TV and even a/c (turned off). His girlfriend lived next door and came across the tracks carrying 3 photo albums. I looked through them and saw a small window into this mans life. He had lived in Klong Toey all his life had 2 children, one son and one daughter. The son was a soldier and the daughter graduated from university and was married. He was very proud of his grandson and had dozens of photographs of him in his album. Part way through our photo album talk a train came down the tracks and everyone scattered after the call of "ROT FAI MAR!" rang out (the train is coming!). So there I was at about 330pm looking through a photo album with a 74 year old man in his slum shack as a train passed maybe 3 feet to my left. In Canada at 330pm I am getting up to go to work, here, I am doing this, such a different world I live in here. In a few weeks I will be back in Canada getting up at 330pm to go to work, such a small world.